Planning an Event
EMDH's Event Services and Catering Office is currently accepting reservations and event bookings.
Booking Policies and Event Guidelines
All room requests must be received a minimum of 48 business hours in advance of the event. Requests received after this time will not be accepted.
All events must conclude no later than 30 minutes prior to when the building closes.
Events scheduled outside of normal operating hours must be approved by the director and will be charged an additional fee of $276.00 or $551.00 for holidays, per day.
Events requesting early access will be charged an additional fee of $110 per hour.
For a full list of all booking policies and event guidelines or for any further questions, please contact the Event Services and Catering Office at (309) 438-2222.
University Facility and Space Use
During an event, there may be times when people/groups disagree with a speaker/performance being held in the Bone Student Center (BSC).
- Demonstrating/protesting may take place in the BSC as long as the following occur
- If the event is invitation only, demonstrators may not enter the space/event room.
- Signs, posters, and banners, are allowed but must be held by a person at all times and cannot be on a stick or any other type of attachment. If these items are not held by a person, they will be discarded by the BSC staff.
- Soliciting is not permitted in university facilities unless approved under University Facility and Space Use Policy. Soliciting is defined under the policy and it includes posting or distributing materials such as flyers. If available, groups are welcome to book a designated concourse table in advance with the event plannng office to distribute flyers or materials. Otherwise, items are not to be passed out or displayed in the BSC. Items may not be attached to the walls, ceilings, floor, or other surfaces without prior approval of EMDH administration.
- Demonstrators may not speak out and/or yell at a volume that is disruptive to the meeting/event.
- To keep guests and staff safe during an event, everyone (including demonstrators/protestors) must follow the rules listed below.
- Demonstrators may not block entry or exit ways in or out of the building, elevators, stairs, conference rooms, or any other spaces that have entry/exit doors.
- Demonstrators must allow for a pathway throughout the BSC that is continuously maintained free from obstructions and impediments for immediate use in the event of fire or other emergencies.
- The path from the exit doors to a safe area outside of the building must always have a clear and unobstructed walkway.
- The number of guests in a room must not exceed the room’s capacity.
- Exit doors must not be fastened or obstructed to ensure that the doors can be readily opened.
- Any deviation from these rules will result in removal from the building.
All University policies, including but not limited to the following, also apply:
University Facility and Space Use
6.1.1 University Facility and Space Use Policy
EMDH Facility Procedures